Sentinels of the Multiverse: The Video Game - Season 2
Created by Handelabra Games
The remaining expansions for Sentinels of the Multiverse are coming to the Video Game! Vengeance, Villains, OblivAeon, and more!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Funding Goal Bonus! Visit us at PAX East!
almost 9 years ago
– Sun, Apr 24, 2016 at 08:36:57 AM
All of the music in Sentinels of the Multiverse: The Video Game is originally composed and performed by our in-house maestro, Jean-Marc Giffin. You can hear it in-game as well as in soundtrack form. Season 1 has three volumes available now, with one more to come. But what about Season 2? Unlike Season 1, which had separate volumes for each major expansion, Season 2 will have just two larger sized volumes.
We’re happy to announce that the Season 2: Volume 1 soundtrack will be included in every pledge level, once we reach our funding goal! Even if you’ve pledged just $5, you will also receive an MP3 digital download of the soundtrack when it is released. Volume 1 will include music from Vengeance and Villains of the Multiverse, and it has an estimated retail price of $8.99.
Placeholder album art - it will look a lot cooler for reals!
Why announce this now? Well, we were pretty optimistic that the campaign would fund really quickly and start getting into stretch goals that provide free bonus content to all backers. Volume 1 of the Season 2 soundtrack was previously part of a stretch goal, but we’ve moved it up in order to make your pledge more valuable right away, and give you a tiny taste of what we have planned!
PAX East
Penny Arcade Expo starts today in Boston! We’re all set up at booth #2180, ready to show off Sentinels of the Multiverse, Wrath of the Cosmos, and Season 2 previews!
We promise Jeremy will put shoes on in time for the show.
Jeremy, Jennifer, and Jean-Marc will be there to chat about the game and what we’re working on. Plus we’ve got some great volunteers who will be helping out with demos. If you’re looking for John, try UK Games Expo in a few weeks instead!
If you’re looking for us in the guide, note that our booth is listed as Greater Than Games. You can also visit GTG’s booth in the Tabletop area!
Social & Mobile Goal Status
There’s been lots of progress since the last update. If you haven’t shared the campaign with your friends, you can easily do so now by just clicking the links below! If every backer on the campaign shares it just once, we’ll smash through the goals in no time.
YouTube: 0 / 25 – Make a video using SotM music and send us the link to be counted! Some fans are making plans in this forum thread, why not help out?
Mobile Backers (including Add-Ons): 279 / 1000 (+17 backers) – Back at the $5 or $15 levels, or add $5.01 onto your pledge to be counted and help unlock the discount!
50% Funded! Social & Mobile Goal Status, PAX East, and Mysterious Hints!
almost 9 years ago
– Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 06:33:10 AM
It’s just 48 hours into the campaign, and we’re already half-way to our goal. Thanks everyone for your support! Let’s keep pushing and get Season 2 funded!
Inspiring Presence
We know there are a lot of people out there who want Season 2, but they may not have heard it’s on Kickstarter yet. We need your help to let them know about the Kickstarter campaign. Share the link on Facebook, tweet and retweet it on Twitter, tell your friends at game night, write it in the sky with an airplane... Everything helps!
To reward you for sharing the campaign, we’ve got Social Goals lined up. We’ll post regular updates about progress toward the goals, which will unlock fun rewards for you!
YouTube: 0 / 25
Make a video using SotM music and send us the link to be counted! We’ll post videos in a playlist on our YouTube account, and highlight some here in updates.
We also have a Mobile Backer goal, and progress toward that is going great. Now, there has been some colorful discussion about our approach to mobile backers in the comments here and elsewhere. We fully admit that our approach is not perfect, but there are certain limitations we have to deal with outside of our control. We feel it’s better than completely excluding mobile backers from the campaign. If you have any thoughts about it, we’d love to hear from you in the comments below, especially if you are a mobile backer already!
Mobile Backers (including Add-Ons): 262 / 1000
Best Convention Ever!
This weekend is that most glorious of events - PAX East, and Jeremy, Jean-Marc and Jennifer will be there! If you’re attending the show, stop by booth #2180, or the Greater Than Games booth in Tabletop to say hi, try Wrath of the Cosmos, and hear a bit more about Season 2!
Accelerated Assault
We added 50 more copies of The Super Scientific Tachyon to THE QUICKEST HERO WE NEED yesterday at 11 am Eastern, and they were snapped up quickly. And there are 50 more today! To make sure everyone has a chance, we’re also going to check and add copies if needed at 9 pm Eastern each day. So you can now set your alarms to both 11 am and 9 pm Eastern if you’re keen on getting a copy!
Some of you have been wondering what those mysterious stretch goals are. We have plenty of exciting stretch goals planned, and we want to focus on reaching the funding goal before getting into those. But that doesn’t mean we can’t give you some hints!
Remember that survey we did earlier this year asking about what new game features you’d be interested in? We’ve run the numbers, and are up to the challenge of the story you were all telling us...
Barring any setbacks, Vengeance will be the first official part of Season 2, and it’s a lot of work. To minimize that chokepoint, we could reward you with something before long…
Some of you have wondered if OblivAeon really is the end of the Multiverse as we know it. Has the magical workshop at GTG run out of steam? We wonder about these things too...
Thanks for your support as we head towards our goal!
Day 1: Add-Ons, Super-Scientific Tachyon and Wallpapers (Oh My)
almost 9 years ago
– Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 08:13:23 PM
Day 1 has been great so far! We’ve already raised 25% of our goal, and we’re moving right along. Here’s a quick update to address a few things people have been asking about.
We’ve received many requests for the ability to add multiple copies of Season Pass 2, copies of the game and/or Season Pass 1, as well as soundtracks to a pledge. We’re also happy to hear from those who want to pledge for Season Pass 2 on Steam and also be counted as a mobile player. As a result, we are opening up add-on ordering now. See below for the full list of items that can be added onto your pledge.
$5.01 - Stand up and be counted as a mobile player! This will be officially tallied at the end of the campaign, but we’ll give you updates as we go. Why the extra penny? So we can count your vote during the campaign!
$10 - Steam key for the Video Game
$20 - Steam key for Season Pass 1
$25 - Steam key for Season Pass 2
$5 - Soundtrack Volume 1 (Core game)
$5 - Soundtrack Volume 2 (Rook City and Mini-Pack 1)
$5 - Soundtrack Volume 3 (Infernal Relics)
$5 - Soundtrack Volume 4 (Shattered Timelines and Mini-Pack 2)
$5 - Soundtrack Volume 5 pre-order (Wrath of the Cosmos and Mini-Pack 3)
To order an add-on, just add the price of the add-ons you want to your pledge. You can order several items or multiple copies of any item, just do the math and increase your pledge by the associated amount! See the campaign page for details of how & when your add-ons will be delivered.
When the campaign closes, we will ask you about which add-ons you got, along with your shipping information if your reward level includes the Super-Scientific Tachyon variant card. And speaking of her...
The Super-Popular Super-Scientific Tachyon
We’ve just about blown through the limited levels of the Tachyon variant card already! We have held some back to make sure we’d be able to offer the card to as many people at as many different levels as possible. There exist a total of 1600 cards that could be claimed throughout the campaign, so here’s what we’re going to do:
At 11 am Eastern time each day, we will see which limited levels are full and add 50 more cards to each full level.
We will do this every day of the campaign until all 1600 are claimed. If there’s a tie at the top limit, we’ll divide them up evenly between the full levels.
We think this is a good way to allow people who might have missed the card on day 1 a chance to get it. So if you’re waiting for a chance to get a Tachyon variant, set your alarm clock!
What is the Exclusive Character Wallpaper pack?
We’re putting together some great character-based wallpapers so you can show your Sentinels pride on your desktop or tablet! There will be at least 5 wallpapers in the pack, and likely more. See below for a preview of what you will see in the pack. These wallpapers will be exclusively available to backers of the Kickstarter project at any level!