Sentinels of the Multiverse: The Video Game - Season 2
Created by Handelabra Games
The remaining expansions for Sentinels of the Multiverse are coming to the Video Game! Vengeance, Villains, OblivAeon, and more!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Aeon's End Now Available in Early Access!
over 5 years ago
– Fri, Jun 21, 2019 at 07:34:17 PM
We know that many of you backed our latest digital tabletop game late last year, so you've already heard the news. But for those that didn't, check out Aeon's End in Steam Early Access now!
If you're not familiar with Aeon's End, here's how we described it back when we were Kickstarting it:
Aeon's End is a cooperative deck-building game where you struggle to defend the city of Gravehold from The Nameless and their hordes using unique abilities, powerful spells, and, most importantly of all, your wits. We are excited to be working with designer Kevin Riley from Action Phase Games, as well as Indie Boards and Cards to bring Aeon’s End to Steam.
It's not hard to find players talking about how Aeon’s End and Sentinels scratch the same cooperative gameplay itch. From the designer himself: "It might not surprise you that SotM was one of the games we learned the most from when making Aeon's End." We think you'll find a lot to love in the variety and depth of Aeon’s End.
The game is at a 10% discount during the Early Access period, plus you can help us make the game even better by sending feedback from in-game, or via our Discord, or the Steam Community for the game.
Who's the best? Guise is the best!
over 5 years ago
– Tue, May 14, 2019 at 08:52:26 PM
Greeting and salutations Indie-Go-Go-Gadgeteers! I am so pleased to inform you that #TuesGuiseDay has arrived! The best, and of course FINAL hero is here to save the Multiverse from Jake Gyllenhaal's fishbowl head!
Tonight, after Handelabra Live (7 Eastern, 4 Pacific), the hunt will begin for me - Guise, in my final Completionist form. To celebrate, I've hacked into the Steam servers and made a thing. A thing to eclipse all other things! And I call it:
Guise's Completionist Edition is the only edition you need! Except maybe New Edition? Hey, anything's better than extraordinary RENdition amirite?
Now I know what you're thinking: "Guise, you are talking to the GoFundMe people, we all already HAVE everything cause we're the super-fans!!" And of course, you would be right. We're all just peas in a completionist pod here on Patreon. But I have something even YOU don't have yet - An amazing wallpaper featuring my favorite thing -VARIANTS!!!!
So now that you have everything, it's time to think of the children.
You know who I mean - the children living a modest life with merely the core game and maybe just Rook City and Mini-Pack 2 (Of course, the second greatest hero in the game is in Mini-Pack 2, but the point still stands). Just think what joy you will bring to their lives when they learn they can pick up EVERYTHING EVERER with a simple 1-Click purchase! (What? Amazon owns a trademark on 1-Click? AND a patent? How even... Whatever.)
So what exactly do I mean by that?
All the heroes - 37 I think? But you can think of it as “the world’s best hero Guise” plus 36 other heroes, I guess.
All the villains - 24, including that mischievous gnome Wager Master. Ugh, I hate that guy! He still owes me back for breaking my framed and signed photo of Cyndi Lauper that I bought on the internet! It was signed to Thomas and everything!
All the environments - 27 in total, though a couple games of OblivAeon will thin that out for ya. It's like one of those legacy games - I hear we literally delete those decks when they are destroyed! (Editor's Note - Sentinels of the Multiverse is not a legacy game, not even in its OblivAeon form. We will never delete your decks after a game of OblivAeon.)
All the team villains - So there's technically 15, but like half of them are just different versions of the villains you already know so... your mileage may vary.
The OblivAeon event itself - This is for all the marbles. Lots going on.. This thing is DENSE. Clear your afternoon is all I'm saying.
All the music - 8 albums filled with more than FIVE AND A HALF HOURS of catchy tunes.
All the foil cards - Who can say no to blinging out your collection? Alternate art, plus the new shiny goodness!
And the most important thing, SO. MANY. VARIANTS! Every single hero in the game has at least 1, and there’s even 6 alternate villains! More than 65 in total. I think more than just the 90s kids will understand when I say: "Gotta catch 'em all!" Right? Get on it.
This is a true Completionist bundle, meaning that if you own any part if it, you just pay the difference and now you have it all. Ah completionism - the only way to fly!
Talk about burying the lede right? What better way to kick off a new round of completionists joining the fight than with a sale! Solid discounts on pretty much everything means that, if someone you know STILL hasn't started their collection, they can save more than $40 Guise-Bucks™ and walk away with literally the entire Multiverse.
Which of course leads (or ledes?) us to that perennial question - "But will it all fit once sleeved!"
I'm kidding, the question I mean is - "What about mobile?!"
The list goes on, just tap "Get Expansion Packs" in Sentinels to check it all out.
And don't forget, if you are the first person to find me out in the wild, Twit or Facesmash my friends @Handelabra to be immortalized in the Hall of Fame! Use hashbrowns #TuesGuiseDay for bonus points.
Soundtrack Volume 8 Now Available, Odd Allies Update
almost 6 years ago
– Wed, May 01, 2019 at 07:13:57 PM
The music of the Multiverse is now complete!* Sentinels of the Multiverse: The Soundtrack (Volume 8 - OblivAeon) is now available for purchase via Bandcamp,, and Steam. It should start popping up on other digital stores and streaming services within the week, if it hasn't already.
Head to your favorite store to complete your Sentinels music collection now!
*note - the Season 1 hero theme songs are still coming, but this soundtrack marks the end of the official Multiverse.
More Purchasing Options on Steam
Now that the game is complete, we've added some new buying options on Steam. Specifically, new players can buy all the playable content in one go with the new Sentinels Omnibus Edition. If you picked up any parts of Season 2 piecemeal, you can now complete your collection with the Season 2 Completion Bundle.
Core game, Season 1, and Season 2, together at last!
As backers, it's very likely that neither of these bundles are for you, but don't forget - the Omnibus Edition can be gifted!
Odd Allies Update
We made the 4th Odd Ally, La Comodora: Curse of the Black Spot, available for unlocking last night.
That means there's only 1 Odd Ally left: Lifeline - Blood Mage. He will become available next Tuesday, May 7th at the end of Handelabra Live. And then, the game is truly complete! Nothing more to unloc#$9--------
Now hang on a dang minute there! Really Handelabra? That's your #Endgame? To just pretend the best variant in the whole game isn't right around the corner? Well news flash - I AM right around the corner...
...watching you (and yes, you too out there in GoFundMe land). When will I finally arrive to bestow upon you the coveted distinction of having your game be TRULY complete? You'll just have to wait and see. Remember - Guise is never late, nor is he early. He becomes unlockable precisely when the bug reports slow to a trickle!
The Evolution of Odd Allies is coming - Cast your Vote!
almost 6 years ago
– Wed, Apr 03, 2019 at 06:35:30 PM
OblivAeon has been out in the wild for a couple weeks now, and from the reactions we're seeing, everyone is having fun saving the Multiverse from ultimate destruction! You don't need us to tell you that OblivAeon is a tough battle, but exactly how tough is it? Preliminary stats have been tabulated by MindWanderer of the Sentinels Statistics Project. Out of 670 games completed so far, heroes have saved the Multiverse only 1 in 4 times. Bringing more heroes does seem to help, as 3 hero teams have it tough with a win rate of under 8%! Keep in mind these are very early numbers, and they don't factor in abandoned games.
Having more heroes to aid in the fight against OblivAeon will be sure to help. There are 6 new Variants still to come! Enter the Evolution of Odd Allies:
Like we've done with batches of variants in the past, we'll be making a new variant available for unlocking once a week starting soon. If you have a minute, please take our quick survey to let us know which variant you are most looking forward to taking into battle!
We also wanted to thank everyone for their diligence in reporting bugs. OblivAeon has so much going on, it was impossible for us to catch every single possible interaction, despite our rigorous internal testing and amazing beta team. Look for an update soon with a bevy of fixes for everything from engine interactions to graphical glitches.
OblivAeon Arrives - The Beginning of all Ends
almost 6 years ago
– Wed, Mar 20, 2019 at 01:02:20 AM
As of noon today, Sentinels of the Multiverse version 3.0 is winding its way through all the various stores and should become available soon, if it is not already. It's been nearly 3 years since the creation of Season 2 began, and we're now pulling into the final station. Thanks for all your support, now it's time to get out there and save the Multiverse! Once you've installed OblivAeon, head to our Discord to find some teammates. Several Handelabrats will be online this afternoon looking for allies to save the worlds.
Getting your stuff
The vast majority of you already own Season Pass 2, either by Steam key, Google Play promo code, or retail purchase. Once you update to version 3.0, the OblivAeon game mode and all the new content should appear in the game.
Steam - Your Steam client should automatically download and install the new content when you press Play. You may need to quit and restart your Steam client for it to see the update.
iOS & Android - When you launch Sentinels, you should be shown a screen prompting you to re-download your expansions. If you are not, just press “Get Expansion Packs” and tap “Restore Purchases.” You will need to re-download Season Pass 2 in order to play OblivAeon content.
Remember that it can sometimes take some time for the update to appear across all stores and in all regions so if you're not seeing it yet, try to be patient. It will show up eventually! (Please note - as has become tradition, the one store not consistently showing the update as of this writing is iTunes.)
Launch Party Tonight!
It's Tuesday, which means tonight at 7 pm is Handelabra Live on Twitch. Join John and Jeremy (and maybe some others) to celebrate this amazing milestone in Sentinels history. We'll be cracking the champagne, and playing OblivAeon to victory or defeat, no matter how long it takes.
Still More to Come!
Just because the final expansion is shipping, that doesn’t mean we’re done. Even after you have OblivAeon, there is still more to come. For starters, there are still some variants to be discovered! You were there for the Fall of the Variants, and you returned for the Rise of the Void Guard. Stay tuned in the next month for news about the Evolution of Odd Allies! This will be an event where you will vote on your most anticipated variants, and then see who can be the first to discover them! Heroic Luminary, Lifeline -Blood Mage, La Comodora: Curse of the Black Spot, Akash’Thriya: Spirit of the Void, and Dark Watch Harpy are still to come, and once we’ve worked our way through those (and only then) the final variant will… complete the set!
You Complete Me!
Beyond content, we still have plans to add team villain challenge modes, and challenge mode for OblivAeon (once they have been created by Christopher, of course). There will also be bug fixes that inevitably follow a launch with tens of thousands of people finding all sorts of fun interactions that we might have missed. And of course, there’s the music.
Music of the Multiverse
We know that you all love the music created by Jean-Marc as much as we in the hallowed halls of Handelabra do. We promise to have Soundtrack Volume 8 available just as soon as it’s feasible. While we don’t have a date for you just yet, you can always check out the listening party on YouTube and of course, starting now, you can hear all the new music (plus a few things we haven’t shared with you yet) in your game!
And what about those Hero theme songs unlocked via the “Sounds of Victory” stretch goal? I’m happy to report that Jean-Marc will now be adding more of those to his schedule, along with music for Aeon’s Endand Sentinels of Freedom from Underbite Games. In case you forgot, all the heroes from Season 1 will be getting their own themes, and they will be bundled up as a soundtrack that all backers get for free. A few heroes, like Legacy, Tachyon, Mr. Fixer and Fanatic have either finished themes or works in progress, but Ra, Unity, Chrono-Ranger, Haka, The Scholar, The Wraith, The Visionary, Absolute Zero, Bunker, Omnitron-X, Captain Cosmic, The Argent Adept, and Expatriette are still to come!
Heroism never sounded so good!
The Future of the Multiverse
It's been almost exactly 5 years since we began work on bringing Sentinels of the Multiverse to digital. It was in April 2014 that we officially started building the team to create the game. And as far as we're concerned, finally shipping the last expansion is not the end, but a new beginning. We have big plans for Sentinels in the future, but we're curious what you would like to see! Should we bring Sentinels of Earth Prime to digital? Do you want to play Sentinels on your Xbox, Playstation, or Switch? Whatever happened to that idea of Story Mode? The Cauldron? Steam Workshop support? There are all sorts of places we can go, so let us know in the comments what you think. But for now, thank you for all your support over the years, and get yourself into a "save the Multiverse" mindset.